16/32/64 * Query optocoupler inputs via RS-232/RS-485

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Our advantages

Availability: In Stock SKU: RO-SER-O16-64 Category:

The RO-SER-O16-64 module is available in versions with 32 or 64 optocoupler inputs. As interfaces the serial standards RS-232 or RS-485 are available. Additionally, the existing USB 2.0 port can be used.


  • RS-232/RS-485 interface with galvanic isolation
  • Open RS-232/485 protocol, plain text mode
  • USB 2.0 interface with up to 480 Mbit
  • 32/64 Digital inputs: 15V – 30V AC/DC (optional 5V – 15V)
  • 16 bit counter per channel (up to 100Hz)
  • LED status display per input channel

Digital inputs

With our optocoupler inputs, digital signal states can be recorded within a voltage range of 5V to 30V AC or DC. Input and output circuits are galvanically isolated from each other up to 2.5kV.


Digital In Input Filter

With our Digital-In modules, an input filter can be set in a time interval of 1ms…255ms to filter interference pulses.

This means that AC signals can also be detected cleanly.



Each input has a 16 bit counter that can count up to 65535 pulses. If the maximum counter value is exceeded, the counting process starts again from zero. By means of a software command, the current status of all input counters can be read from the module simultaneously.


Recording of status changes

Status changes that occur between the readout cycles are reliably detected by internal flip-flops and can be read out separately by software. In addition, such an event is signalled by a status LED. Resetting is done automatically after the flip-flops have been read out.


Each digital input and output has a separate LED that lights up when the signal state is active. Furthermore, the status of the operating voltage, the communication with the interface, error events or the occurrence of a timeout can be displayed.


A screwless system from the manufacturer WAGO Kontakttechnik is used as the connector. The 1-wire female connectors are 100% protected against mismating and have an eject and locking mechanism. All conductor types up to 1.5mm² can be connected.

Software and control

Our DELIB driver library, which is included with the product, makes it easy to address the product via our API.


We offer support for the following programming languages:

  • C
  • C++
  • C#
  • VB
  • VBA
  • VB.Net
  • Java
  • Delphi
  • LabVIEW

We offer support for the following operating systems:

  • Windows 10 (32bit/64bit)
  • Windows 8/8.1 (32bit/64bit)
  • Windows 7 (32bit/64bit)
  • Windows Vista (32bit/64bit)
  • Windows XP (32bit/64bit)
  • Windows Server 2003 (32bit/64bit)
  • Windows 2000
  • Linux

Corresponding programming examples can be found in the “Software” section of the products or are included on the driver CD.


Power supply + 12V to +24V DC (via two-pin pluggable screw terminal)
LEDs • Operating voltage
• Interface activity
• Input state change(only for digital inputs)
• Timeout shutdown
• I/O access
• One LED per input
Connectors • Type: Wago Kontakttechnik 713-1108/037-000
• Pluggable 16 pole female connector with locking mechanism
• 100 % malfunction protected
• 1-conductor connection for all types of conductors up to 1.5mm²
DIN rail mounting TS 35
Operating temperature +10°C .. +50°C
Dimensions with 32 inputs 122mm x 126 mm x 51,5 mm (HxWxD)
Dimensions with 64 inputs 122mm x 208 mm x 51,5 mm (HxWxD)

RS-232 / RS-485 – Interface

• RS-232/RS-485
• Baudrate: 300 – 115.200 Baud
• Galvanic isolation up to 500 V
• Connection via 9 pin D-Sub connector
DIP switch • Activating a base configuration (preferential mode with 115kBd, module address = 0)
• Activating  the configuration via DIP switch
• Activating the Text Mode
• Setting the baud rate


• Connection: type B
• USB 2.0 / USB 1.1 interface with up to 480Mbit

Digital inputs

Optocoupler inputs • 15V to 30V DC/AC signal voltage (optional 5V – 15V DC/AC)
• Galvanic isolation between input and output circuit : up to 2.5kV AC for 1 minute
• Maximum input current: 14mA
Input filter • Default value 0ms
• Value range 0 (off),  1(ms)…255(ms)
Input counter • 16 bit counter per channel
• Maximum possible counting operations: 65535 / channel
• Reset to zero after memory overflow
• Internal counting logic up to 100Hz
• Programmable filter for input channels (flip-flop and counter):
• Minimum low or high pulse duration: 5ms…255ms
Input state flags (flip-flops) • Detects a change from low to high and high to low level
• Detects the input state change between two readout processes
• Input state flag is reset during readout

Additional information

Weight N/A
Number of digital inputs

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ICT-Tool our all-in-one software

Integration, configuration and testing – our new, comprehensive tool for all our products. All functionalities are integrated in the Windows ICT tool.
It covers everything from commissioning the DEDITEC modules to testing, diagnostics and firmware updates.
The ICT tool combines all previous programs, such as the DELIB Configuration Utility, the Demo module and the DT-Flasher, in one application and has been supplemented with numerous other functions.





Overview screen of the ICT tool with all functions. These are described in more detail in the following chapters

General information on the ICT tool

We have developed the new ICT tool to make commissioning our products as easy and straightforward as possible.
This tool combines all the important functions of our old programs, such as the Configuration Utility, Module Demo and DT-Flasher, in one.
With the ICT tool, you can now easily configure, test, diagnose, flash and debug our products.
In the following chapters, we would like to introduce you to our new all-in-one software in more detail.

Module selection

Here you can integrate your modules into the ICT tool by clicking on the “+” symbol, so that you can then configure or test them.

ICT-Tool module selection. Display of the ICT-Tool at program start

Start screen

Here you can find some important information about your selected module.
In addition, you can display the manual of the module as PDF or HTML version here.
Under “Show module IDs” you can call up all available module IDs. This ID is needed to integrate our products into your software projects.

ICT-Tool module info. Display of the ICT tool when the module is open

ICT Treeview

In the treeview on the left side of the program window, you can see the respective forms that are supported by your module.
With a click you can then display this form in the right part of the program and perform possible configurations or tests.

ICT-Tool Treeview. Presentation of the ICT tool, explanation of the structure


Configuration of the serial modules

Our serial modules of the RO-series and NET-series are able to handle the standards RS-232 and RS-485. At delivery the modules are always designed for RS-232 operation, but can be reconfigured to RS-485 by changing the jumper positions on the module. For further information please refer to the manual of the respective product.


Setting the RS-232 / RS-485 parameters via DIP switches

By means of DIP switches the following parameters can be set:

  • Module address (only for RS-485)
  • Baud rate
  • Preferred mode (115k Baud, module address = deactivated, echo = off)
  • Text Mode / Register Mode

Serial configuration settings via ICT tool

The following parameters can be set:

  • Preferred mode (115k Baud, module address = deactivated, echo = off)
  • Baud rate
  • Module address (only for RS-485)
  • Echo active on/off
  • Text mode / Register mode
ICT-Tool Seriell Config

More details about the control and some programming examples can be found in the programming section.

General Handling

This function opens a particular module.




This function opens a specific module



ULONG DapiOpenModule(ULONG moduleID, ULONG nr);



moduleID=Specifies the module to be opened (see delib.h)
nr=Specifies which one (in case of several modules) should be opened.
nr=0 -> 1st module
nr=1 -> 2nd module



handle=Corresponding handle for the module
handle=0 -> module was not found



The handle returned by this function is needed to identify the module for all other functions.


Programming example

// Open USB module
handle = DapiOpenModule(RO_USB1, 0);
printf(“handle = %x\n”, handle);
if (handle==0)
// USB module was not found
printf(“Modul konnte nicht geöffnet werden\n”);

This command closes an opened module.




This command closes an open module.



ULONG DapiCloseModule(ULONG handle);



handle=This is the handle of an open module





Programming example

// Close module

This function returns the last registered error. If an error has occurred, it must be deleted with DapiClearLastError(), otherwise any call of DapiGetLastError() will return the "old" error. If multiple modules are used, the use of DapiGetLastErrorByHandle() is recommended.




This function returns the last detected error. If an error occurred, it must be cleared with DapiClearLastError(), otherwise any call to DapiGetLastError() will return the “old” error.
If more than one module should be used, it is recommended to use DapiGetLastLastErrorByHandle().



ULONG DapiGetLastError(void);






Error Code
0=no error. (see delib_error_codes.h)


Programming example

BOOL IsError()
unsigned char msg[500];
unsigned long error_code = DapiGetLastError();

if (error_code != DAPI_ERR_NONE)
DapiGetLastErrorText((unsigned char*) msg, sizeof(msg));
printf(“Error Code = 0x%x * Message = %s\n”, error_code, msg);


return TRUE;

return FALSE;

This function returns the last registered error of a particular module (handle). If an error has occurred, it must be deleted with DapiClearLastErrorByHandle(), otherwise any call of DapiGetLastErrorByHandle() will return the "old" error.




This function returns the last detected error of a specific module (handle). If an error occurred, it must be cleared with DapiClearLastErrorByHandle(), otherwise any call to DapiGetLastErrorByHandle() will return the “old” error.



ULONG DapiGetLastErrorByHandle(ULONG handle);



handle=This is the handle of an open module



Error Code
0=no error. (see delib_error_codes.h)


Programming example

BOOL IsError(ULONG handle)
unsigned long error_code = DapiGetLastErrorByHandle(handle);

if (error_code != DAPI_ERR_NONE)
printf(“Error detected on handle 0x%x – Error Code = 0x%x\n”, handle, error_code);


return TRUE;

return FALSE;

This function reads the text of the last registered error. If an error has occurred, it must be cleared with DapiClearLastError(), otherwise every call of DapiGetLastErrorText() returns the "old" error. Definition




This function reads the text of the last detected error. If an error occurred, it must be cleared with DapiClearLastError(), otherwise any call to DapiGetLastErrorText() will return the “old” error.



ULONG DapiGetLastErrorText(unsigned char * msg, unsigned long msg_length);



msg = Buffer for the text to be received
msg_length = Length of the text buffer


Programming example

BOOL IsError()
unsigned char msg[500];
unsigned long error_code = DapiGetLastError();

if (error_code != DAPI_ERR_NONE)
DapiGetLastErrorText((unsigned char*) msg, sizeof(msg));
printf(“Error Code = 0x%x * Message = %s\n”, error_code, msg);


return TRUE;

return FALSE;

This function deletes the last error registered with DapiGetLastError().




This function deletes the last error registered with DapiGetLastError().



void DapiGetLastError(void);





Return value



Example program

BOOL IsError()
unsigned char msg[500];
unsigned long error_code = DapiGetLastError();

if (error_code != DAPI_ERR_NONE)
DapiGetLastErrorText((unsigned char*) msg, sizeof(msg));
printf(“Error Code = 0x%x * Message = %s\n”, error_code, msg);


return TRUE;

return FALSE;

This function deletes the last error of a particular module (handle), which was registered with DapiGetLastErrorByHandle().




This function deletes the last error of a particular module (handle), which was registered with DapiGetLastErrorByHandle().



void DapiClearLastErrorByHandle(ULONG handle);



handle=This is the handle of an opened module.


Return value



Example program

BOOL IsError(ULONG handle)
unsigned long error_code = DapiGetLastErrorByHandle(handle);

if (error_code != DAPI_ERR_NONE)
printf(“Error detected on handle 0x%x – Error Code = 0x%x\n”, handle, error_code);


return TRUE;

return FALSE;

This function returns the installed DELIB version.




This function returns the installed DELIB version.



ULONG DapiGetDELIBVersion(ULONG mode, ULONG par);



mode=Mode with which the version is read (must always be 0).
par=This parameter is not defined (must always be 0).



version=Version number of the installed DELIB version [hex]


Programming example

version = DapiGetDELIBVersion(0, 0);
//With installed version 1.32 version = 132(hex)

This function opens a specific module with ethernet interface.The particularity of this command is,that parameters like IP-address, portnumber and the duration of the timeout can be specified. The opening of the module is independent of the DELIB Configuration Utility settings.




This function specifically opens a module with an Ethernet interface. The parameters IP address, port number and the duration of the timeout can be determined.



ULONG DapiOpenModuleEx(ULONG moduleID, ULONG nr, unsigned char* exbuffer, 0);



moduleID = Specifies the module to be opened (see delib.h)
nr = Specifies which one (in case of several modules) is to be opened
nr = 0 -> 1st module
nr = 1 -> 2nd module
exbuffer = buffer for IP address, port number and duration of the timeout



handle = Corresponding handle for the module
handle = 0 -> module was not found



The handle returned by this function is required to identify the module for all other functions.
This command is supported by all modules with Ethernet interface.


Programming example

// Open ETH-Module with parameter


strcpy((char*) open_buffer.address, “”);
open_buffer.portno = 0;
open_buffer.timeout = 5000;

handle = DapiOpenModuleEx(RO_ETH, 0, (unsigned char*) &open_buffer, 0);
printf(“Module handle = %x\n”, handle);

Digital input functions

This command reads a single digital input.




This command reads a single digital input.



ULONG DapiDIGet1(ULONG handle, ULONG ch);



handle=This is the handle of an open module
ch= Specifies the number of the input to be read (0, 1, 2, 3, .. )



Status of the input (0/1)



The following SW feature bits must be supported by the module:


The following conditions for the transfer parameters must be met:

maxCh > ch

This command reads 8 digital inputs simultaneously.




This command reads 8 digital inputs simultaneously.



ULONG DapiDIGet8(ULONG handle, ULONG ch);



handle=This is the handle of an open module
ch= Specifies the number of the input from which the read is to start (0, 8, 16, 24, .. )



Status of the read inputs



The following SW feature bits must be supported by the module:


The following conditions for the transfer parameters must be met:

maxCh > ch ch must be 0, 8, 16, …

This command reads 16 digital inputs simultaneously.




This command reads 16 digital inputs simultaneously.



ULONG DapiDIGet16(ULONG handle, ULONG ch);



handle=This is the handle of an open module
ch= Specifies the number of the input from which the read is to start (0, 16, 32, …)



Zustand der gelesen Eingänge



The following SW feature bits must be supported by the module:


The following conditions for the transfer parameters must be met:

maxCh > ch ch must be 0, 16, 32, …

This command reads 32 digital inputs simultaneously.




This command reads 32 digital inputs simultaneously.



ULONG DapiDIGet32(ULONG handle, ULONG ch);



handle=This is the handle of an open module
ch= Specifies the number of the input from which the read is to start (0, 32, 64, ..)



Status of the read inputs



The following SW feature bits must be supported by the module:


The following conditions for the transfer parameters must be met:

maxCh > ch ch must be 0, 32, 64, …


Programming example

unsigned long data;
// —————————————————-
// Read a value from the inputs (input 1-31)
data = (unsigned long) DapiDIGet32(handle, 0);
// Chan start = 0
printf(“Input 0-31 : 0x%x\n”, data);
printf(“key for further\n”);
// —————————————————-
// Read a value from the inputs (input 32-64)
data = (unsigned long) DapiDIGet32(handle, 32);
// Chan Start = 32
printf(“Input 32-64 : 0x%x\n”, data);
printf(“key for further\n”);

This command reads 64 digital inputs simultaneously.




This command reads 64 digital inputs simultaneously.



ULONGLONG DapiDIGet64(ULONG handle, ULONG ch);



handle=This is the handle of an open module
ch= Specifies the number of the input from which the read is to start (0, 64, ..)



Status of the read inputs



The following SW feature bits must be supported by the module:


The following conditions for the transfer parameters must be met:

maxCh > ch ch must be 0 or 64

This command reads the flip-flops from the inputs and resets them. (Input state change).




This command reads the flip-flops of the inputs and resets them.
(input state change)



ULONG DapiDIGetFF32(ULONG handle, ULONG ch);



handle=This is the handle of an open module
ch= Specifies the number of the input from which the read is to start (0, 32, 64, ..)



Status of 32 input status changes



The following SW feature bits must be supported by the module:


The following conditions for the transfer parameters must be met:

maxCh > ch ch must be 0, 32, 64, …

Block diagram RO-O16


Connection example Optoin

Connection example

Screwless connector system

The customer’s connection wiring of the inputs and outputs is carried out via screwless, pluggable terminal strips. The conductor connection is made by a so-called actuating tool.
A locking and ejection mechanism facilitates the insertion and removal of the complete terminal strip.



Step 1

Remove the operating tool from the scope of delivery.

Step 2

Insert the operating tool firmly into the side opening in the direction of conductor connection.

Step 3

Now insert the stripped conductor into the open terminal contact.

Schritt 4

Pull the operating tool out again.

Step 5

Check the correct connection of the conductor. It should now no longer be possible to pull it out easily.

Manual RO-Serie
Hard- and Software-description
  • Description of the measurement modules
  • Configuration of the different module interfaces
  • Installation of the DELIB driver library


Software packages ICT tool / DELIB driver library

Manual of the software package (ICT tool + DELIB)
Documentation of the ICT tool and all commands of the driver library
  • Windows 10, 8, Vista, 7, XP, 2000 andLinux
  • Moduel open/close functions
  • Digital inputs: reading 1 / 8 / 16 / 32 / 64 bit
  • Digital outputs: Write 1 / 8 / 16 / 32 / 64 bit
  • A/D Lesen: read, read_volt, read_mA, A/D Modus einstellen
  • D/A schreiben: write, write_volt, write_mA, D/A-Modus einstellen
64-bit software package (ICT tool + DELIB) for Windows
For Windows 11/10, Windows 7, Windows 8, Vista, XP and 2000

Software package for the 64-bit version of the ICT tool and the DELIB driver library. systems are supported:

64 bit

  • Windows 11/10 x64
  • Windows 7 x64
  • Windows 8 x64
  • Windows Server 2012 x64
  • Windows Server 2008 x64
  • Windows Vista x64
  • Windows XP x64
  • Windows Server 2003 x64

Included software

  • DT-Flasher x64
    Software to update DEDITEC module to the latest version
  • DELIB Configuration Utility x64
    Set configuration of module addresses
  • DELIB Module Config x64
    Configuration of module-specific settings
  • CAN Configuration Utility x64
    Set configuration of CAN modules
  • DELIB Module Demo x64
    Enables manual switching of a module
  • DELIB Command Line Interface x64
    Enables the execution of DELIB commands in the command line
  • Watchdog Configuration Utility x64
    Set configuration of a watchdog stick
32-bit software package (ICT tool + DELIB) for Windows
For Windows 11/10, Windows 7, Windows 8, Vista, XP and 2000

Software package for the 32-bit version of the ICT tool and the DELIB driver library.

The following operating systems are compatible:

    • Windows 11/10
    • Windows 7
    • Windows 8
    • Windows Server 2012
    • Windows Server 2008
    • Windows Vista
    • Windows XP
    • Windows Server 2003


  • Windows 10 x64
  • Windows 7 x64
  • Windows 8 x64
  • Windows Server 2012 x64
  • Windows Server 2008 x64
  • Windows Vista x64
  • Windows XP x64
  • Windows Server 2003 x64

Included software

  • DT-Flasher
    Software to update DEDITEC module to the latest version
  • DELIB Configuration Utility
    Set configuration of module addresses
  • DELIB Module Config
    Configuration of module-specific settings
  • CAN Configuration Utility
    Set configuration of CAN modules
  • DELIB Module Demo
    Enables manual switching of a module
  • DELIB Command Line Interface
    Enables the execution of DELIB commands in the command line
  • Watchdog Configuration Utility
    Set configuration of a watchdog stick


With this version of the driver library, only 32-bit applications can be created, which can then be run on 32- and 64-bit systems.

DELIB driver library for Linux (32/64-bit)
For 32/64-bit Linux distributions starting with kernel 2.6.x. Version 2.73 from 28.10.2024

DELIB driver library for Linux distributions (32/64-bit) starting with kernel 2.6.x

This driver package includes the following components:

  • DELIB USB driver
  • DELIB Ethernet driver

DELIB USB driver

Supports the following products:

  • NET-Series (via USB interface)
  • RO-USB-Series
  • BS-USB-Series
  • USB-Mini-Sticks
  • USB-Watchdog
  • USB-TTL-32 / USB-TTL-64


With the standard USB driver, you can access several USB products with different module IDs (for example one RO-USB and one USB-OPTOIN-8). Therefore, no additional driver installation is required.

If you want to access several USB products with the same module ID (for example one USB-OPTOIN-8 and one USB-RELAIS-8), you have to install additionally the Linux FTDI driver. The FTDI driver can be found at http://www.ftdichip.com.


DELIB Ethernet driver

Supports the following products:

  • NET-Series (via Ethernet Interface)
  • RO-ETH-Series
  • RO-ETH/LC-Series
  • BS-ETH-Serie
  • ETH-TTL-64


With the DELIB CLI (Command Line Interface) for Linux it is possible so controll all I/O’s over the command-line.


DELIB - Sample-Sources - Installer (approx. 10 MB)
Sample programs for different programming languages (Also in DELIB Setup included)

Sample programs for different programming languages (Also in DELIB Setup included)

  • C (Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0, Borland C)
  • C++ (Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0)
  • C# (Microsoft Visual C# 2008 to 2015)
  • Delphi (Borland Delphi 7)
  • VB (Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0)
  • VB.NET (Microsoft Visual Basic 2008 to 2015)
  • Java (Java native interface)
  • Java.dll (Ethernet protocol for ethernet products)



Hardware-Updates (Firmware flashfile package)
Firmware flashfile package for the ICT-Tool

The firmware flash file package can also be downloaded directly from the ICT tool.

This package contains firmware files for the following series:

  • STARTER-Series
  • BS-Series
  • RO-Series
  • NET-Series
  • UC-Series
  • CAN-IO-Box
  • Development tools

2 pin plug connector

Allows the power supply to be connected to the DEDITEC module

  • Type: Phoenix Contact 1783287
  • 100 % malfunction protected
  • For all conductor types from 0.2mm² to 2.5mm²

16-pin plug connector

Required to connect your application to the DEDITEC module

  • Type: Wago Kontakttechnik 713-1108/037-000
  • Pluggable female connector with locking mechanism
  • 100% protected against mismating
  • 1-wire connection for all types of conductors up to 1.5mm²

Tool for wiring connectors

Serves to open and close the clamp contacts on the Wago connectors.
  • Type: Wago Kontakttechnik 734-231

2 meter USB A/B connection cable

2 meter USB connection cable A to B.

  • Type: Plug A to plug B
  • length: 1,8m

DSUB-9 connection cable

DSUB-9 extension cable. Female to male 1,8 Meter

Optional input voltage range 5V..15V RO

With this option the input voltage range of the RO-OPTOIN modules can be reduced to 5V to 15V. There are always 4 channels per ordered quantity converted by us.

  • Input voltage range 5V to 15V AC / DC
  • 4 channels

USB watchdog stick with 2 relays for shift operations

[ref type="prod-group-kurzbeschr-converter"]

This USB-WATCHDOG-STICK monitors your operating PC or server and can reset the hardware independently in case of a program crash. Simply integrate the function of the Watchdog Stick into your application. As soon as a timeout occurs and the watchdog stick is no longer periodically reset, the two relay outputs are switched through. With an appropriate connection cabling, for example, the PC reset could be activated, an external SMS modem can send warnings or a connected siren signals an alarm. With the help of our free configuration tool, you can define how the relays should switch in case of an error.

  • USB 2.0 / USB 1.1 interface
  • Watchdog function
  • Monitoring your control PC or server
  • Timeout times adjustable from 10ms to 10h
  • Windows Watchdog API
  • 2 NO contact relay (NO)
  • Connection cable with DSUB9 socket (approx. 1.8m)

Power supply 24V/2A for DIN rail mounting

The DR-4524 from Mean Well is a 48W rail mount power supply for industrial applications. It offers protection against short circuit, overload, overvoltage and overheating.

  • Input voltage range: 85V… 264V AC / 120V DC … 370V DC
  • Output voltage: 24V DC
  • Output current: 2A
  • Nominal power: 48W

230V din rail relay

With this 230V relay can you reduce your voltage to 12V. The 12V signal can be read by our opto coupler inputs.

  • Max switching current 250V AC
  • Coil current 4,5mA

2 pin plug connector

Allows the power supply to be connected to the DEDITEC module

  • Type: Phoenix Contact 1783287
  • 100 % malfunction protected
  • For all conductor types from 0.2mm² to 2.5mm²

16-pin plug connector

Required to connect your application to the DEDITEC module

  • Type: Wago Kontakttechnik 713-1108/037-000
  • Pluggable female connector with locking mechanism
  • 100% protected against mismating
  • 1-wire connection for all types of conductors up to 1.5mm²

Strain relief plate for 16 or 18 pole Wago connectors

A strain relief plate that can be mounted centrally between the conductor entries facilitates the plugging and unplugging process and allows easy access to the actuation openings even when wired.

  • Type: Wago / 713-127
  • Suitable for 16/18 pole female connectors with conductor connection
  • Mating and unmating aid for Wago connectors
  • Strain relief of the individual wired conductors
  • Easy mounting

Tool for wiring connectors

Serves to open and close the clamp contacts on the Wago connectors.
  • Type: Wago Kontakttechnik 734-231

DIN Rail

Top-hat rail for mounting our control technology modules.

  • Top-hat rail according to DIN EN 50022
  • Type: Phoenix Contact / 1208131
  • Dimensions in mm: 450 x 35 x 7.5 (L x W x D)


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always there for you!

Since its foundation in 2008, Dipl. Ing. Jürgen Siebert has been the managing director of DEDITEC GmbH. He will also be happy to advise you personally.

DEDITEC LogoProduct- & Service-Hotline: +49 (0) 22 32 / 50 40 8 – 40 DEDITEC LogoQuestions about the product or order: support@deditec.de