Programming of modules via the DELIB driver library on Windows
The comprehensive yet very easy to use DELIB driver library is suitable for almost any programming language. An installation package with extensive examples can be found on our CD or in the download section.
Control via the Windows driver library DELIB
The DELIB driver library enables a uniform response of all DEDITEC control engineering products. For this purpose, we provide programmers with appropriate functions for the respective product groups, which enable a uniform but also very simple addressing of the products.
Here you will find an overview of the DELIB and its programs:
A list of all DELIB commands can be found here:
DELIB driver library ETH
We also offer a pure Ethernet version of the DELIB driver library. Not included are all other drivers like USB/SER.
This has the advantage that no installation of the driver library or configuration of the module is necessary.
This gives project customers the advantage that the Ethernet driver library can be integrated into their own setup, eliminating the need to run the DELIB setup.
All products with Ethernet interface are supported by this driver library and can be addressed via the IP address.
Here you can find the download:
The DELIB enables simple addressing of DEDITEC modules
The following example shows how simple means can be used to access the inputs of our modules within a very short time.
Open the module
handle = DapiOpenModule(RO_ETH,0); // Open Ethernet-Module
Read 16 digital inputs
data = DapiDIGet16(handle, 0); // Read the first 16 digital inputs
Close Module
DapiCloseModule(handle); // Close the module
The function “DapiOpenModule” is used to open a product. Which product is to be opened is determined by the two transferred parameters. The first parameter designates the “Module ID”. Due to the included “DELIB.H” the parameter can be simply specified with “RO_USB1”. This tells the driver library that a RO module with USB bus is to be addressed.
The second parameter determines the module number. If only one module is connected to the PC, a “0” is specified. If several modules are connected, the corresponding module number must be specified. The module number can be changed with the DT-ICT-Tool.
Programming of USB modules
Example for opening several modules on one PC:
Opening the module with the nr. “1”
handle1 = DapiOpenModule(RO_USB1,1); // Open USB-Modul with Nr=1
Opening the module with the nr. “4”
handle2 = DapiOpenModule(RO_USB1,4); // Open USB-Modul with Nr=4