Integration, configuration and testing – our new, comprehensive tool for all our products. All functionalities are integrated in the Windows ICT tool.
It covers everything from commissioning the DEDITEC modules to testing, diagnostics and firmware updates.
The ICT tool combines all previous programs, such as the DELIB Configuration Utility, the Demo module and the DT-Flasher, in one application and has been supplemented with numerous other functions.
General information on the ICT tool
We have developed the new ICT tool to make commissioning our products as easy and straightforward as possible.
This tool combines all the important functions of our old programs, such as the Configuration Utility, Module Demo and DT-Flasher, in one.
With the ICT tool, you can now easily configure, test, diagnose, flash and debug our products.
In the following chapters, we would like to introduce you to our new all-in-one software in more detail.
Module selection
Here you can integrate your modules into the ICT tool by clicking on the “+” symbol, so that you can then configure or test them.
Start screen
Here you can find some important information about your selected module.
In addition, you can display the manual of the module as PDF or HTML version here.
Under “Show module IDs” you can call up all available module IDs. This ID is needed to integrate our products into your software projects.
ICT Treeview
In the treeview on the left side of the program window, you can see the respective forms that are supported by your module.
With a click you can then display this form in the right part of the program and perform possible configurations or tests.
Information on the configuration area in the ICT tool
Here you can view all important module information at just one glance.
Current DIP switch setting (Ethernet modules only)
Identify your Ethernet module currently addressed by means of LEDs located on the board.
This is especially helpful if several modules are in operation at the same time.
You can restart your module here. The module status shows whether the restart was successful.
Here you can change the module no. of your USB modules. This is necessary if you use several USB modules of the same series.
The module no. can be used to identify exactly which module is to be addressed.
All important LAN network information at a glance. On this information page, you will find the current LAN settings of your module.
Integrate your module into the home or company network with just a few clicks or control it directly via a 1-to-1 connection.
The following network settings can be changed with the ICT tool.
DHCP on/off
IP address
Subnet mask
Standard gateway
TCP Port
This page shows you all the important WiFi settings.
Here you can change the network settings of the selected WiFi product.
The following settings can be made:
WLAN on/off
With the WPS function, your module can be quickly and easily, automatically connected to the router (WPS on the router is required)
CAN configuration
With our CAN products in the BS, NET and UC series, settings for the interface and the TX/RX packets can be made using the
ICT tool.
More information can be found here: CAN configuration
Serial configuration
With our serial products in the BS, NET, UC and RO series, changes can be made to the interface using the
More information can be found here: SER configuration
TCP encryption
Here you can make settings for the encryption of your module.
The following configurations can be made.
Allow unencrypted protokol on/off
Allow user-encrypted protocol on/off
User-encryption password
Allow admin-encrypted protocol on/off
Admin-encryption password</li
Allow I/O access via webinerface on/off</li
Here you can make changes to the NTP service.
The following configurations can be made.
NTP service on/off
Here you can change the login settings of the web interface.
The following configurations can be made.
Session Time
Account name
Account password
Confirm password
D/A Default Values
Here you can set the D/A values and modes with which the module is to be started.
Value and mode can be set individually for each channel..
Watchdog Configuration
Here you can make and save settings on your watchdog stick.
Save or Load config
Using the “Save or Load config” function, you can save your entire module configuration in an external XML file.
This way you can always load your module in the original state you want. The following configurations can be saved depending on the module type.
USB configuation
LAN configuation
WiFi configuration
TCP encryption
Serial configuration
CAN configuration
Information on the M2M area in the ICT tool
Here you get an overview of the activity of the transmitter and receiver module.
The following transmitter information is displayed:
Status of the activity: If the check mark is set, this action is currently being performed.
Total number of actions performed. Is reset to 0 after a restart of the module.
Number of actions per second.
Number of DELIB errors that occur when executing commands from the DEDITEC driver library.
The following information about the receiver module is displayed:
Connected: If the check mark is set, the transmitter and receiver modules are connected to each other.
IP address of the receiver module.
Number of connection attempts.
Receiver modules
You can set the network settings of the receiver module here.
The following settings can be made
Designation for the receiver module
Network settings of the receiver module
Encryption type/ password
Here you can set which inputs are to be sent to the receiver module.
The following settings can be made
Type of task (digital, analog)
Which receiver module should be used
The interval with which the operations are to be performed
Start Channel number of the transmitter module
Number of channels to be transmitted
Start Channel number of the receiver module
In the picture on the right, DI data from channel 3(CH Start) to channel 8 ((CH Start) + (CH Count)) is sent to channels 0-5 of the target module every 100ms.
Information on event control in the ICT tool
Various information about the events and actions is displayed here.
The following information is displayed:
Event number and type
Time interval of the event
Number of event actions
Action number
Number of triggered actions
Event configuration
With the help of an event, a certain action is carried out as soon as a condition is met.
For example, voltages can be automatically output via the D/A converter or relays can be switched when a previously defined switching threshold is reached at the A/D inputs,
or a signal is detected at a digital input.
You can also specify how long the condition must be fulfilled before an action is executed.
These settings are saved directly in the module configuration memory of the module.
Depending on the features of your product, you can choose from different event types:
High or low signal of a digital input.
If the status of the digital input changes, the flip-flop of the channel is set and then reset again.
The status of the output channel is read out and returned using a DO readback command.
The voltage currently present at the analog input is read out.
An action defines what should happen within an event after a condition is met.
Depending on the features of your product, different action types can be defined:
Switches a digital output on or off.
Outputs voltage at an analog output.
The set CAN TX event is triggered.
Information on the I/O test area in the ICT tool
Digital Out
Here you can switch the digital outputs of your module on and off.
The following functions can be tested in this form.
Switching the digital outputs on and off channel by channel
Readback of the channels
Setting a digital output for a certain time (module-dependent)
Specifies which status the channels are to assume after the time has elapsed (module-dependent).
Testing the outputs
Digital In
Here you can read out the status of your digital inputs.
You can take the following information from this form.
Channels status
Number digital in counter (module dependent)
Flip Flop status (module dependent)
Here you can switch the digital outputs of the module on or off.
In addition, you can set the TTL direction for up to 8 channels block by block. This setting remains until the module is restarted.
The following functions can be tested in this form.
Switching the TTL outputs on and off channel by channel (TTL output)
Output Readback
Testing the outputs (TTL output)
Input Readback
Set TTL direction
Analog Out
Here you can set the analog outputs of the module.
You can set the D/A value and mode for each channel individually or all together..
Analog In
Here you can read the A/D – value of the channels.
In addition, A/D mode and filters for all channels can be set here.
CAN Runtime Parameter
Here you can change CAN settings of the interface, RX and TX packets in runtime
Extended ID
Active on/off
Here you can read out the count status of your counter module.
Puls Generator
Here you can test the channels of our pulse generator modules.
Here you can make settings to the frequency of the PWM channels.
Here you can read out the created temperatures channel by channel.
Graphical representation
Here you can display the measured values of Analog In, Temperature or Fifo-IN graphically.
I/O – Timeout
With the help of the timeout function in the I/O area you may simulate a timeout event of your module.
Indicates by flashing, the connection to the module
Removing the checkmark triggers a timeout event
The user interface can be updated here after a timeout case Manuel
Shows the current timeout status
Here you can set the timeout mode
Here you can set the time in which the timeout should be triggered
Enables / disables the timeout
Information about the diagnostic area in the ICT tool
Access times tests
Here you can test the access times to the module. Different tests can be carried out depending on the module.
Register – Read/Write/Write + Readback
Digital I/O – Read/write/Write + Readback
Analog I/O – Read/Write/Write + Readback
Cable return tests
In this test, you can use a feedback cable to check whether the values output by your module (digital/analog) match the values read by your input module.
match the values read by your input module. Such a feedback cable can be ordered in the accessories section
A/D noise
Here you can have the noise of your A/D module displayed graphically, channel by channel.
A/D Ripple
You can display the voltages of your A/D module here. Deviations are displayed when reading these values
Here you can test the software FIFO of your NET module and display status values.
Information on the flasher area in the ICT-Tool
Firmware update
Here you can update the firmware of your interface and submodules. The following steps must be carried out to flash.
Downloading the firmware flash file package via the ICT tool
In the firmware update area, go to Flash Files -> Download and start the download
Administration rights are required for the automatic extraction of flash files.
If these rights are not available, the files are downloaded to the download area of your PC and must be extracted manually to the installation directory ..\DEDITEC\DELIB\programs\flash_files
Download the firmware flash file package via the DEDITEC homepage
Download the required firmware flash file package from our homepage: Downloads -> Software -> Firmware
Extract the files to the following installation path ..\DEDITEC\DELIB\programs\flash_files
Flash module
Start the ICT tool, select your module and navigate to the flasher
First click on the module/submodule you want to flash in the left-hand area and then on the “Flash module” button
The firmware is now updated and the module is then restarted automatically
Information on the settings area in the ICT tool
Here you can make general settings for the ICT tool
Language – setting between German and English possible
Here you can search for available DELIB or firmware updates
Automatic update search at program start
Check for DELIB updates
Check for Firmware updates
Here you can make settings for deditec_debug.log. This is saved under the path C:\Users\?USER?\AppData\Local\DEDITEC.
The following settings can be made:
Enable writing to the debug.log
Activate log notifications
Activate automatic deletion of the debug.log
Setting after how many days the debug.log should be deleted
Setting the maximum size of the debug.log
DELIB – DebugView – Global
Settings can be made here for the information that is to be displayed with the DebugView.
Activate debug output
Activate display of errors
DELIB – DebugView – Details
More detailed settings can be made here for the information that is to be displayed with the DebugView